[lemmas under the staves |M|, |P| and |S|
may be missing]
cabinet(s) K:P1;
caboodle(s) B:P2;
cage(s) K:P1;
cake(s) K:P1;
calculate(d) K:P1;
call(ed/s) K:P1;
call(ed) in I:P2;
call(ed) it quits K:P3;
calling (card) K:P1;
calm K:P1;
(as) calm as a cucumber K:P4;
calumniate(d) L:P2, EI:S4;
calumny/calumnies K:P1;
camel(s) K:P1;
camelcase(s) K:P1;
camera(s) K:P1;
camp(ed/s) K:P1;
campaign(ed/s) (K:S1)
can/could K:P1;
can(ned/s) K:P1;
can(ned) the crap K:P3;
Canadian(s) N:P2;
canal(s) N:P2;
canary/canaries N:P2;
candidate(s) K:P1,
candy/candies K:P1;
candle(s) K:P1;
canine K:P1,
cap(ped/s) K:P1;
caper(s) K:P1;
capillary/capillaries K:P1/P:P2;
capital K:P1;
capitalism K:P1,
captive(s) K:P1;
car(s) K:P1;
card(s) K:P1;
cardboard K:P1,
card-carrying K:P1;
cardinal K:P1;
care(d/s) K:P1;
care killed the cat K:P4;
career(s) R:P2;
careworn K:P1;
Caribbean R:P2/K:S1,
caricatural K:P1,
caricature(s) K:P1
caries K:P1, EE:S3;
carillon(s) K:P1/R:P2
carnal K:P1;
carousel(s) [ or carrousel(s)] K:S1,
carpet(ed/s) K:P1;
carriage K:P1;
carrion K:P1;
carrion crow(s) K:P1;
carry/carried K:P1;
carry/carried the can K:P4;
carry/carried the cudgel for K:P4;
cart(s) K:P1;
case(s) K:P1;
cash K:P1;
cash-and-carry K:P1;
(a) cash cow K:P1;
cash crop(s) K:P1;
cashier(s) SH:P2;
casino(s) S:P2
castle(s) K:P1;
castrate(d/s) K:P1/ST:P2;
cat(s) K:P1;
(A) cat may look at a king K:P2,
cataclysm(s) K:P1;
cataclysmic K:P3;
catalog(s) [ or catalogue(s)] K:P1
catcall(s) K:P1;
catch/caught K:P1;
catclaw(s) K:P1;
catastrophe(s) T:P2, F:S4;
categorical K:S1,
category/categories K:P1
N:S3 /
catenical (neutrality)
cat's-claw(s) K:P1;
cat's cradle [ game] K:P2;
cat's-cradle(s) [ ribgrass] K:P1;
cattle (cake) K:P1;
cause(d/s) K:P1;
caution(ed/s) K:P1;
cavalcade(s) K:P1/K:P3/;
cave(s) K:P1;
cavort(ed) V:P2;
caw(ed) K:P1;
cell(s) S:P1;
cesura(e/s) [ or caesura(e/s)][ if not pronounced with |ZHU| or
|ZHOO|] Z:P2;
chagrin(s) [ n/v] SH:P1/G:P2;
chagrined SH:P1;
chagrinned G:P2;
chain(s) T:P1;
chair(s) T:P1;
chaise(s) SH:P1;
chalet(s) SH:P1/L:P2;
chalk T:P1;
chalk(s) T:P1;
(as) chalk and / from cheese T:P3;
(as) chalk to cheese T:P3;
challenge(d) T:P1;
chamber(s) T:P1;
champion(s) T:P1;
chance(d/s) T:P1;
change(d) your tune T:P3;
changeling(s) T:P1;
Chanticleer T:S1,
character(s) K:P1;
charge(d/s) T:P1;
charger(s) T:P1;
charitable T:P1;
charitable institution T:P7
charlatan(s) SH:P1;
charm(ed/s) T:P1;
chase(d/s) T:P1;
chassis SH:P1;
chaste T:P1;
chaste-tree(s) T:P1;
chat(s/ted) T:P1;
chauffeur(s) SH:P1/F:P2;
cheap T:P1;
cheat(ed) T:P1;
check(ed) [ v] T:P1;
check(s) [ or cheque(s)] [ n] T:P1;
cheek(ed/s) T:P1;
cheep(ed/s) T:P1;
cheer(ed/s) T:P1;
cheese(s) T:P1;
cheesecake(s) T:P1,
chef(s) SH:P1;
chemical K:P1;
chemistry K:P1;
cherry/cherries T:P1;
cherry [ adj] T:P1;
cherry-cheesecake [ adj] T:P1,
chess T:P1;
chest(s) T:P1;
chevron(s) SH:P1;
chic SH:P1;
chicken(s) T:P1;
chide(d) T:P1;
chief(s) T:P1;
child(ren) T:P1;
chime(d) in (with) [ v+adv(+prep)] T:S1,
chime [ n] T:P1;
chime(s) [ n] T:P1;
chime(d) [ v] T:P1;
chimney(s) T:P1;
chimpanzee(s) T:S1
[if initial |TSH|]/SH:S1 [if initial |SH|],
chin(s) T:P1;
(the) Chinese T:P1/N:P2;
chip(s) T:P1;
chirp(ed/s) T:P1;
chit(s) T:P1;
chitchat(ted) T:P1;
chivalrous SH:P1;
chivalry SH:P1;
chocolate(s) T:P1;
choice(s) T:P1;
choose/chose(n) T:P1;
chop(ped) T:P1;
chop(ped) and change(d) T:P1;
Christmas K:P1;
Christmas cake(s) K:P1;
Christmas card(s) K:P1;
Christmas cracker(s) K:P1;
chthonian TH:P1;
chthonic TH:P1;
chute(s) SH:P1;
cicatrices K:P2/T:P3;
cicatrix(es) S:P1/K:P2;
cicerone/ciceroni T:S1,
cigaret(s) [ or cigarette(s)] S:P1/R:P3;
circumference(s) K:P1;
close(d) in I:P2;
(-)clad K:P1;
claim(ed/s) K:P1;
clamor(s) [ or clamour(s)] K:P1;
clamorous K:P1;
clang (and clamor [ or clamour]) K:P1;
clarion(s) K:P1;
clarion call(s) K:P1;
clash(ed/es) K:P1;
clash of culture(s) K:P3;
class(-conscious) K:P1;
clay K:P1;
clean K:P1;
clear K:P1;
(as) clear as crystal K:P3;
clear-cut K:P1;
cleave(d)/cleft/clove/cloven K:P1;
cleft(s) K:P1;
cleptocracy/cleptocracies [ see kleptocracy/kleptocracies] T:P2;
cleptocrat(s) [ see kleptocrat(s)] K:P1;
cleptocratic [ see kleptocratic] K:P3;
clerk(s) K:P1;
clever K:P1;
cliff(s) K:P1;
climb(ed) K:P1;
clime(s) K:P1;
clip(ped/s) K:P1;
clip-clop K:P1/K:P2;
clock(s) K:P1;
clockwise K:P1,
clockwork K:P1,
clod(s) K:P1;
close(-clipped) K:P1;
close encounter(s) K:P3;
close(d) K:P1;
closed corporation(s) K:S1,
cloth(s) K:P1;
clothes K:P1;
clothing K:P1;
cloud(s) K:P1;
cloud-capped K:P1;
cloud-cuckoo-land K:P1/K:P2;
clover(s) K:P1;
club(s) K:P1;
coal(s) K:P1;
coarse K:P1;
coast(s) K:P1;
coat(s) K:P1;
coat-collar(s) K:P1;
cock(s) K:P1;
cockcrow(s) K:P1;
cockscomb(s) [ if a jester's cap also coxcomb(s)] K:P1;
coconut(s) K:P1,
cocoon(ed) K:P2;
code(d/s) K:P1;
code(s) of conduct K:P3;
coffee K:P1;
coin(s) K:P1;
cold (case) K:P1;
cold comfort K:P2;
cold cream K:P1;
cold cuts K:P1;
cold(s) [ n] K:P1;
collapse(d) L:P2;
collar(s) K:P1;
colleague(s) K:P1;
collect(ed) L:P2;
college(s) K:P1;
colonel(s) K:P1;
color(ed/s) [ or colour(ed/s)] K:P1;
color-coded [ or colour-coded] K:P1;
comb(s) K:P1;
combat K:P1/B:P2;
combated [ cp combatted] K:P1;
combatted [ cp combated] B:P2;
combine(d) [ v] B:P2;
combine(s) [n] K:P1;
come/came K:P1;
come/came a cropper K:P3;
come/came across K:P3;
come/came down (on / to / with) D:P2;
come hell or high water K:S1,
come/came in I:P2;
come/came into question K:P4;
come/came out of (the closet) K:S1;
come/came to grips with G:P3;
come/came to pass K:S1;
come weal or woe W:P2;
comely K:P1;
comfort(s) K:P1;
comment(s) K:P1;
commerce K:P1;
common (cause) K:P1;
common cold K:P1;
communal K:P1/M:P2;
communication(s) K:P4;
communication cord(s) K:P4;
communism K:P1,
company/companies K:P1;
compass(es) K:P1;
competence K:P1;
competition K:S1,
compound [adj] K:P1;
compound(s) [n] K:P1;
compromise(d/s) K:P1;
concept(s) K:P1;
concert(s) K:P1;
concoct(ed) K:P2;
concoction(s) K:P2;
concrete K:P1/
concupiscence K:P2;
condition(s) D:P2;
condolence(s) K:P1/D:P2;
conduct [n] K:P1;
conduct(ed) [ v] D:P2;
confess(ed) F:P2;
confide(d) (in) F:P2;
confide(d) to F:P2;
confirm(ed) F:P2;
conflict(s) [ n] K:P1,
conflict(ed) [ v] K:P1/F:P2;
confound(ed) F:P2;
confuse(d) F:P2;
confusion F:P2;
confusion worse confounded W:S4,
congratulation(s) G:S2,
connect(ed) N:P2;
conquer(ed) K:P1;
conscience K:P1;
conscientious K:S1,
conscious K:P1;
consent(ed) S:P2;
console(s) [n] K:P1;
consonant(s) K:P1;
constabulary/constabularies ST:P2
constant(s) K:P1;
constellation(s) K:S1,
constitution(s) K:S1,
consume(d) S:P2
(or SH:P2);
contain(ed) T:P2;
content [ adj] T:P2;
content(ed) [ v] T:P2;
content [ n] T:P2;
content(s) [ n] K:P1;
contentment T:P2;
continental K:S1,
continue T:P2;
contract(s) [ n] K:P1;
contrast(ed) [ v] T:P2;
contrast(s) [ n] K:P1;
contribute(d) T:P2;
contrite K:P1/T:P2;
control(led/s) T:P2;
controversy/controversies K:P1/T:P2;
convenient V:P2;
cook(s) K:P1;
cookie(s) [ or cooky/cookies] K:P1;
cookie cutter(s) K:P1;
cool K:P1;
cool and calm K:P1;
(as) cool as a cucumber K:P4;
cop(s) K:P1;
cop car(s) K:P1;
copestone K:P1;
copestone(s) K:P1;
copingstone K:P1;
copingstone(s) K:P1;
copper K:P1;
copper-colored [ or copper-coloured] K:P1;
copper coin(s) K:P1;
copulate(d) K:P1
copy/copies K:P1;
copy-cat(s) K:P1;
cord K:P1;
cord(s) K:P1;
cord(s) [ or chord(s) ; as part of the body] K:P1;
cork K:P1;
corn K:P1;
corner(s) K:P1;
corner-cupboard(s) K:P1;
cornucopia(s) K:P3;
corollary/corollaries K:P1/R:P2;
corporate (culture) K:P1;
corporation(s) K:S1,
correct(ed) R:P2;
corrode(d) R:P2;
cost(s) K:P1;
cost accounting K:P1;
(the) cost of living L:P3;
cost-of-living (allowance) L:P3;
cotton (candy) K:P1;
cotton(ed) to K:P1;
cotton(ed) on (to) K:S1,
cotton(ed) up to K:S1,
cough(ed/s) K:P1;
council(s) K:P1;
counsel(s) K:P1;
count(ed/s) K:P1;
count in K:S1,
count out K:S1,
count the cost K:P3;
count your beads K:S1,
counted in K:S1,
counted out K:S1,
counted the cost K:P4;
counted your beads K:S1,
countenance(d/s) K:P1;
counteract(ed) K:S1,
counterattack(ed/s) K:P1,
counterclaim(ed/s) K:P1;
counterclockwise K:P3,
counterculture(s) K:P1;
country/countries K:P1;
country club(s) K:P1;
county/counties K:P1;
county clerk(s) K:P1;
couple(d/s) K:P1;
courage K:P1;
courageous R:P2;
courier(s) K:P1;
course(s) K:P1;
court(s) [n] K:P1;
court(ed) [v] K:P1;
cover(ed/s) K:P1;
cover(ed) in I:P3;
cow(s) K:P1;
coward(s) K:P1;
cowlick(s) K:P1,
cozy [ or cosy] K:P1;
cozy/cozied up to [ or cosy/cosied] K:S1,
crab(bed/s) K:P1;
crack(ed/s) K:P1;
crack(ed) a crib K:P3;
cracker(s) K:P1;
crackers K:P1;
cradle(s) K:P1;
cranny/crannies K:P1;
crap K:P1;
crash(ed/es) K:P1;
crave(d) (after / for) K:P1;
craven(s) K:P1;
crawl(ed) K:P1;
cream(-colored) [ or cream(-coloured)] K:P1;
(the) cream of the cream K:P4;
(the) cream of the crop K:P4;
create(d) EI:P2;
creation(s) EI:P2;
creationist(s) EI:P2;
creativity T:P3;
creature(s) K:P1;
creature comfort(s) K:P3;
credit(s) K:P1;
credit account(s) K:P1;
credit card(s) K:P1;
creep/crept K:P1;
crevasse(s) V:P2;
crew(s) K:P1;
crew cut(s) K:P1;
crib(s) K:P1;
crime(s) K:P1;
criminal(s) K:P1;
crisis [ singular] K:P1;
crises [ plural] K:P1
crisp K:P1;
crisscross K:P1;
critter(s) K:P1;
crock(s) K:P1;
crony/cronies K:P1;
crony capitalism K:P1;
crony communism K:P1;
crop(s) K:P1;
crook(ed) K:P1;
cross(ed/es) K:P1;
cross-country K:P1/K:P2/SK:P2;
cross-cultural K:P1/SK:P2;
crosscurrent(s) K:P1;
crosscut(s) K:P1;
crossfire K:P1,
crow(ed) K:P1;
crow(s) K:P1;
crowd(s) K:P1;
crown(ed) K:P1;
crownèd [ poetic variant] K:P1;
crown(s) K:P1;
crucible(s) K:P1;
crucible of crisis K:P5;
cruel K:P1;
cruise(d/s) K:P1;
(the) crunch K:P1;
crush(ed/es) K:P1;
cry/cried/cries K:P1;
cry/cried craven K:P2;
cry/cried quarter K:P2;
cry/cried quits K:P2;
crystal clear K:P1;
crystal(s) K:P1;
crystalization(s) [ or crystallization(s) or crystallisation(s)] K:S1,
crystalize(d) [ or crystallize(d) or crystallise(d)]
crystalline K:P1
ctenoid T:P1,
ctenophore(s) T:P1,
cuckoo(s) K:P1;
cuckoo clock(s) K:P1;
cucumber(s) K:P1;
cuddle(d) K:P1;
cudgel(s) K:P1;
cull(ed/s) K:P1;
culture(s) K:P1;
culture clash(es) K:P1;
cunt(s) K:P1;
cup(s) K:P1;
cupboard(s) K:P1;
curb(ed) K:P1;
cure(d/s) K:P1;
curiosity/curiosities K:S1,
curios'ty killed the cat K:P7;
curiosity killed the cat [ if pron. with a vowel between |s| and |t|] K:P8;
curl(ed/s) K:P1;
currant(s) K:P1;
currant bun(s) K:P1;
currant cake(s) K:P1;
current (account) K:P1;
curse(d/s) K:P1;
cursèd [ poetic variant] K:P1;
cursing K:P1;
curst K:P1;
curtain(s) K:P1;
curve(d/s) K:P1;
cuss(ed/es) K:P1;
cussed K:P1;
custom(s) K:P1;
cut(s) K:P1;
cut (across) K:P1;
cut a caper K:P3;
cut corners K:P2;
cut costs K:P2;
cut to the quick K:P4;
cut you to the quick K:P5;
cut your coat according to your cloth K:P9;
cut your coat to suit your cloth K:P7;
cutter(s) K:P1;